Monday, November 5, 2007

The difference between Georgia and Auburn

Before I ramble about the upcoming game this weekend, I want to say one thing: Phuck Oklahoma State! How in the hell do you not win a football game with a 21 point lead going into the 4th quarter at home? Pathetic. Gundy is not a man anymore.

As I have stated many times in the past, Auburn fans have the biggest chip on their shoulders of any team in the SEC, and it is quite apparent here in Columbus, GA. Not only do Tiger fans on this side of the Chattahoochee have to live in the shadow of the Bear, they have to claim allegiance to a school located in an inferior state. Believe me, the Auburn fans from Columbus hate UGA more than Alabama. While their out-of-town college friends reside from such locations as Dothan, Eufala, and Opp, most of my friends from school are from Atlanta and Macon.

However, the real difference between UGA and Auburn fans is the women. Female Auburn fans are just as rabid as their male counterparts. Unfortunately, this breeds many young Auburn "punks". Those "War-Eagle" mammas have got their children wearing orange and screaming "to hell with Georgia" by the time they are 3. My wife, and other UGA femmes, on the other hand, enjoy a Georgia win, but would rather drink a cocktail and smoke a cigarette, rather than watch the actual game this weekend.

Back to work. Have to figure out the Ga/Fla bill today. Oh, and before I forget, check out this article:

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