Thursday, December 13, 2007

Falcons, Javelinas, and Dawgs, Oh My!

What a mess! Not only has the Atlanta Falcons football franchise seemingly imploded upon itself, fueled by the hubris of its current owner, and treachery of its former coach, but now this...

My father has retired from betting on football!

After last Sunday's tilt in which the favorites were an astounding 10 - 3, (and furthered by the Falcons inability to even try on Monday night) Dad has thrown in the towel. "This is the first time in 43 years that I have had a losing season in football, and I am afraid I'm gonna have to stick to the stock market", stated George Swift in an exclusive Dawgma interview on Wednesday.

Just what went wrong? I for one, think that there is a growing diconnect between players and coaches. As I stated to Matt Zemek a few weeks ago, today's atheletes live in a virtual world. When they are not playing football, they are buzy playing video games on their HD TV, or listening to the newest gangsta rap song about a Jamaican Drug Lord forcing his white girlfriend to engage in oral sex with his brindle-colored pit-bull. Mix in some steroids, cocaine, and a bag of weed and how can they distinguish between what is real and what is fantasy?

Welcome to pro football, Bobby "piss-ant" Petrino. You have to be one helluva leader to organize today's professional atheletes. It's not like at Louisville where the team members could only buy a few thousand dollars worth of party favors with alumni bucks. Today's pros have a much fatter pocketbook, and you better make sure you have a short leash on them, (or at least make sure that their leashes don't have a dead pit-bull on the other end).

The atrocities that today's athletes are committing are only going to get worse, (but humorously more creative, I hope). Thank God that we have a good Christian like Mark Richt, who has experienced the dark side, and knows that you have to let boys be boys every once in a while.

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